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Selling Human Hair Online – Statistics & Key Info [Infographic]

| Blog, General, Site Related | October 9, 2014

As the largest human hair marketplace we’ve seen thousands of hair sales and have had the pleasure of dealing with buyers and sellers all around the world.

Using the unique information we’ve collected, we put the together following infographic to help all future buyers and sellers.

We’re proud that this is the first ever study of its kind and we hope you find it useful.

Selling Human Hair Online – An infographic by

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Basics of the research methodology are in the infographic footer. Here are more specifics on our data sample.


Price per inch according to hair color & what a premium is paid for: We have 110 published reviews from successful sellers on our site.  We could track 89 of those back to the original listing from where we calculated the price per inch by color. We also took hair thickness and type into account which helped us normalize and identify trends on what buyers pay more for.


Since 2011, we also identified 985 ads that had been marked as sold by the seller (many are deleted after the sale). We emailed a survey to these users and received 162 responses. That gave us a total sample size 251 from where we could draw conclusions on hair prices.


Why do people buy human hair? We surveyed 67 buyers. In addition, the survey we emailed to sellers also asked if they knew what the hair was going to be used for – 111 sellers were able to answer this.


Time to sell: 153 sellers provided us with exact time scale following our email survey. However, this wouldn’t capture those who do not sell. Therefore, from September 2013 to September 2014 we had an email survey automatically send to 50% of sellers once their listing had ended. This provided us with another 265 responses.


Buyer and Seller Scams: From our experience page and direct interviews with both buyers and sellers.


Location of buyers and sellers: Hair listing statistics from September 2013 to September 2014 and the 67 buyer interviews.


How hair is sent: 162 direct seller survey responses.


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