Long to Short Hair Makeovers
Cutting long hair and going for a short hair makeover is big step for most people, but it’s something that sellers on our site experience all the time.
Hair, by its very nature, is an intensely personal feature. Some people feel that it’s their security blanket, others love styling and managing it, and some use it as a scarf during the winter!
Women, and men, decide to cut their long locks for many different reasons. You might want a lighter look and feel during hot and stick summers, it may have become too hard to manage, or you might simply want to make a drastic change or earn some extra cash. Whatever your reason, chopping off long hair that you’ve had for years takes bravery and courage but making the snip can be a truly liberating experience.
In an recent seller interview on our site, Jen spelt out her thoughts and feelings nicely:
“…I was so done with my hair I thought I wouldn’t be nervous at all, but when it actually came down to cutting it, I was sooo nervous, I actually thought I would throw up. But the instant it was cut, I was both relieved, and excited, and I haven’t regretted it at all!”
A short hair makeover can accentuate bone structure with some well-thought out styling, and the lighter load often helps increase the natural bounce and volume in your hair. It can also really provide you with a sense of freedom and give you a confidence boost.
If you have decided to cut your locks, it’s a good idea to visit your stylist who should help you decide on what will suit you once you’ve made the cut. Getting a few pictures of short hairstyles beforehand will give you some ideas on what to go for. Different styles suit different face types and it’s good to think about this and speak to hair professionals before randomly committing. You should also check out our free virtual makeover tool which lets you try out loads of different hairstyles.
Remember, a big decision such as getting a short hair makeover shouldn’t be made on impulse so take some time to think it over. It’s good to get the opinion of others but ultimately, you need to listen to yourself as it’s you that’ll be living with the new hair do.
Have you recently gone for a short hair makeover? Leave your comments below or if you’ve got more to say, get in touch – we’d love to feature more short hair makeover interviews on our site.
And remember, don’t let that long hair go to waste – be sure to sell it on our site so someone else can appreciate your lovely locks!
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I recently sold my hair on your site and the change to my lifestyle was huge. Everything felt a little fresher and revitalized… it is difficult to maintain really long locks and i was one of those i need of a drastic makeover!