Interview: Jen’s Hair Selling Experience
In a new feature on our blog, we’re looking to interview hair buyers and sellers that are happy to answer a few questions about themselves and their experience buying or selling hair.
These interviews aim to give you an informative, lighthearted and transparent insight into anything and everything related to hair.
For the first interview, we got in touch with Jen from the US who was kind enough to share her thoughts. She sold 30 inches of her hair for $2,500.
Start of interview:
I’m 28 years old, obviously female, and a mother to four kids, (three boys, and a baby girl) ages 7, 5, 3, and 9 months. I decided I wanted to cut my hair about a year ago, because it was getting tiresome to take care of. And while it was nice hair, I was always just trying to keep it out of my way, and so most of the time it was either in a braid or bun. I had very few options if I wanted to make it look different from the front. Basically, I wanted a change!
Once I had decided to cut my hair I started wondering if I could sell it, and a short internet search later I found out I could! And for much more than I originally thought, too! I first listed 22″ of my hair on another hair trading site which has now closed. The highest offer I got on that site was $700, until someone offered me $2,500 to grow it out to a point where I would be willing to cut 30″ off. The dramatic price difference seemed worth it to me! I grew my hair for about a year, but when I was ready to cut it the buyer said he was unable to follow through with his end of the deal, and that’s when I came to this site.
How long did it take you to grow your hair and how much did you cut?
I grew my hair for about eight years, starting from just above my shoulders. However, I wasn’t really focused on growing it long as fast as I could, so there were several times that I took up to 8 inches off during those eight years. In the end I cut off 30″ of hair.
How did you feel when you we’re actually getting your haircut? Were you nervous, excited, or both?
Wow! This one took me by surprise. I was so done with my hair I thought I wouldn’t be nervous at all, but when it actually came down to cutting it, I was sooo nervous, I actually thought I would throw up. But the instant it was cut, I was both relieved, and excited, and I haven’t regretted it at all!
Are you happy with your new look and what do friends and family think?
I love it! It is so much easier to care for now, and I have a lot more different ways I can make my hair look. I’m really having a lot of fun with it right now! Now that it’s short, I’m not as worried about damaging it, so I’m also going to experiment with different colors. Starting with very blond! I’ve had overwhelmingly positive reactions from people, of course, there are some, that think I should have left it long, but you can’t keep everybody happy. My three year old seems the most upset by it. He keeps asking me why I cut my hair, and when I’m going to have my long brown hair back!
What was your selling experience like on our site? Did you get the amount you had hoped for?
My experience on the site was very good. Immediately after posting my ad I got several offers, and within hours, someone had offered me my top price of $2,500, that they would pay through PayPal.
Would you sell your hair on the site again?
How did you work out the price you wanted to sell for?
I looked at what other people sold their hair for, but, I had a hard time telling what made the difference between hair that sold for a lot, and hair that didn’t. So, I just guessed, and put a minimum price of $600, and determined I would take the highest offer after two weeks, or someone could ‘buy it now’ for $2,500, which is what ended up happening.
Did you get any emails from people that sounded like scammers? If so, how did you spot these and what recommendations do you have for others users to stay safe?
I did get a few e-mails that sounded like scams, things like wanting to send a significant amount of money, that I would then give to their “shipper”, etc. Really bad grammar, or an unwillingness to pay through PayPal, also raised red flags for me. I would say just use common sense, if something sounds a little odd, check it out some, before you jump right in. Make sure you have a backup plan or some kind of protection in case it doesn’t work out. There is always some element of risk when buying or selling on-line, just try to minimize it as much as possible for both sides.
[Editor: Find more tips for staying safe online on our scams page]
What is your typical hair care routine?
Shampoo. Condition. Comb 🙂 I always let my hair air dry, and then I would put it up in a braid or bun. If it was a special occasion I would leave it down.
What are your favorite hair care products?
I’m not really brand specific, but once my hair got to a certain length higher quality conditioners were definitely worth it. And I like a good, high quality, goody brand comb, and metal free elastics. That’s about it. I didn’t use a lot of products.
What hair products would you never use again?
For long hair, cheap conditioner makes combing a nightmare!
What are your three key tips for maintaining healthy hair?
> Be gentle with your hair
> Go easy with the heat, and chemicals, or avoid them altogether
> Don’t over wash it
What celebrity do you think has gorgeous hair?
Jennifer Aniston, Sandra Bullock, Demi Moore.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our audience?
Don’t expect to make a ton of money, (if you do, that’s great!) if you already plan on cutting your hair, any extra money is just icing on the cake! If you need to get top dollar, don’t cut it! Until you’ve already received payment, that is. It seems like shiny, straight, medium brown to light blond hair sells the best. Also be patient, and realize that the longer, thicker, and healthier your hair, the more likely you are to sell it for a high amount.
End of interview.
We would like to thank Jen for her time and we hope she continues to enjoy her new hair style! If you would like to participate in a written interview on our blog, please do get in touch. Look forward to hearing from you!
19654 total views, 1 today
WOW her new hair-do looks GORGEOUS!