Guest Posts on
Guidelines for writing a guest post on
Thank you for your interest in being a guest writer for the blog! We deeply value contributors that are able to share their knowledge! We are currently looking for contributors that can offer interesting and original insight into an aspect of hair & beauty.
When writing your post, here are some things to keep in mind:
Exclusive to The article you submit to us must contain totally unique content. We run duplicate content checks to maintain the high standards of our blog and to prevent infringing on the copyright of others.
Blog topic: This can be anything related to hair & beauty. Suggestions include content based around the latest hairstyles, ending bad hair days, growing your hair, cutting hair, hair tips, etc.
Tone of blog: A relaxed, informal tone works well with our audience. Keep the article concise and avoid waffle 🙂
Post length: Keep content between a minimum of 400 words and a maximum of 800.
Formatting: Please submit your content in Word or plain text format. Don’t overdo bold text and try to use subheadings where possible to break up your post. If you include a link in the body of your post, please ensure that it is relevant to the content and useful – not just a product plug!
Publishing: We will notify you when your post is published. However, please note that we reserve the right to not publish a post that is submitted to us if we feel that it is not suited to our blog content.
Editing: We reserve the right to edit all posts that appear on Our intent is to make every post as successful as possible, so don’t be offended if we modify your article slightly for search engine optimisation purposes.
Images: Images can really enhance and add personality to your post so take your time finding one that is well suited to your content. Copy and paste the image into your article or send a URL link along with your post.
Article credit: If you would like us to, we are happy to highlight you, your product or service, or your blog. Your byline will appear at the bottom of the post and should be a sentence or two in length and a maximum of 2 hyperlinks. Subtlety is best, so please, no hard selling!
Promotion: In addition to our blog, your article will also be published on our Facebook page and Twitter feed.
If you have any questions, get in touch using our contact form. When your article is ready, send it through to info[at] Remember to remove the brackets and replace the ‘at’ with an ‘@’! Look forward to hearing from you.