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Easy Ways to Make Your Hair Glamorous

| Hair & Beauty | February 27, 2012

This is a guest post.

Who doesn’t want long, thick, lush and gorgeous hair? You’ve probably seen celebrities like Beyonce, Jennifer Aniston and Kim Kardashian and wished your hair was as long and glamorous as theirs. Well, the good news is, it can be! With clip in hair extensions and other new hair trends, you can make your hair just as glamorous as any celebrity’s.

Clip in hair extensions are the latest trick for long, thick, beautiful hair–for anyone. When you think of extensions, you probably think of bonded extensions from the salon. But this type of extension is super expensive, damaging to your hair and hard to keep nice-looking. With clip in extensions, you save money, time, effort and the health of your hair. Plus, clip in extensions can be taken out easily if you wish to change your look. This type of extension offers individual, variously sized extensions attached to polymer clips. The clips are placed close to your scalp, and the hair is mixed in with your original hair, giving you a natural yet easy and glamorous look.

Another popular hair trend for increasing the volume and glamor of your hair is hot rollers. Hot rollers have been around for a long time, but they’ve recently experienced a surge in popularity. Hot rollers are super simple to use, yet they provide that big, voluminous, glamorous look you often see on celebrities. You, too, can sport glamorous volume and waves with hot rollers to use at home. After drying your hair, you simply roll up sections of hair with the heated rollers, then let them cool while you apply your makeup or get dressed. When you remove the cooled rollers, you’ll be left with luscious waves and tons of body–just like the movie stars you see on the big screen and in celebrity magazines.

Finally, shine serums and glossing sprays aren’t new, but they remain a dramatic way to give your hair a glamorous glossy look. Easily available in stores, these products work their magic when applied sparingly to dry hair.

Whether with extensions, rollers or shine products, you’ll wow everyone with your shiny, beautiful locks if you try out these hair trends. After all, beautiful hair isn’t just for celebrities.

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